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yongzheng emperor中文是什么意思

用"yongzheng emperor"造句"yongzheng emperor"怎么读"yongzheng emperor" in a sentence


  • 清世宗
  • 雍正帝
  • 雍正皇帝
  • 胤祯


  • As a model of historical play , it is imitated in lots of long poetic dramas by literary men after yongzheng emperor
    作为历史剧的典范, 《桃花扇》成为雍正以后众多文人传奇模仿的对象。
  • After the death of yongzheng emperor , his illegitimate son qianlong was enthroned and became the new manchurian emperor
  • To stabilise price ratios on commodity markets , the yongzheng emperor , after serious reflection , enacted a thoroughgoing reform , and , for a long time thereafter , until the reign of the qianlong emperor , the total cost of coining specie was held at a low rate below one hang per one thousand wen of copper - bronze cash
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